Financial Services Firm Saves 90% On Costs With A 24-Hour Attorney Team
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Why Choose Us


Years of delivering successful legal solutions


Partnerships with legal tech companies


of clients are publicly listed companies


80+ years of combined CLM implementation expertise


of projects delivered exceeded client expectations


Client retention rate and growing


Contracts Reviewed

Our Solutions

Contract Lifecycle Management

Contract Review and Management

Compliance Solutions

From Onboarding to Implementation

Setting up a pilot is easy!


Efficient Processes and Workflows for Value-driven Legal Departments

Shifting Legal from Cost Center to Value Center

Our team of legal operations experts re-engineer your legal function. We help you demonstrate your legal department’s value to your organization.

Optimize Resources

Automate repetitive and manual tasks like compiling reports or document searches to allow internal resources to focus on high-value legal work. Smart legal teams spend less and achieve more by optimizing resource allocation.

Increase Visibility

Create custom dashboards to visualize your data in actionable ways. These dashboards have automated reporting and alerts help you manage and track strategy processes and operations.

Increase Collaboration

With our customized dashboards, your teams can collaborate effortlessly to create streamlined and efficient data processes. We increase transparency with our optimized legal operations solutions.

Create Value

Create a legal operations function that responds to business needs faster, and more efficiently. Set goals that align with your overall business strategies, across your organization.

Drive Legal Transformation

Leverage our legal technology to streamline legal processes. This helps you reduce dependency on manual workflows and eliminate information currently in silos in your legal department.

Engineering Solutions for Legal Operations with Your Business Needs in Mind

Get the best of both worlds!

We select legal operations technology partners who continue to transform legal with their cutting-edge and intuitive technology. We collaborate with tech partners and our in-house team of attorneys and legal operations specialists through onshore, offshore, and hybrid models.

We help you improve your firm’s legal service delivery with custom solutions. You can choose from our multidisciplinary approach to legal operations.

1. Legal Spend Management

Legal Spend Management

Through our partner program, LegalEase Preferred, we help you identify and implement a spend management platform that provides visibility into your legal spends. This helps you track legal budgets and accruals, and creates a value-driven relationship with your law firm. Through the implementation of a legal spend management platform, we

2. Virtual Attorney Staffing

Virtual Attorney Staffing

Our virtual attorney staffing program provides you with subject matter attorneys (both onshore and offshore) for all your legal support needs.

  • Review and redline contracts
  • Edit legal documents
  • Prepare business intelligence reports
  • Conduct competitor analysis
  • Set up regulatory updates
  • Act as your legal sounding board!
3. Legal Bill Auditing

Legal Bill Auditing

Our subject matter experts review and analyze your legal invoices against industry best practices.

  • We create a billing guideline document for you, or review and revamp your existing billing guidelines as needed.
  • Our team of billing experts are qualified in both state and federal courts.
  • The team takes on the heavy lifting required to set up a billing guideline that drives transparency for your legal department.
4. Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics

Through our partner program, LegalEase Preferred, we offer a predictive analytics product called iPAT. This helps you and your team make key business decisions by reviewing and analyzing your historical data.

Through the use of predictive analytics, you get visibility:
  • If you need to settle a matter or pursue litigation
  • On an estimated settlement amount
  • On success rates of your motions
  • On valuation of entities
  • On estimated costs of litigation
5. Legal Matter Management

Legal Matter Management

Through our partner program, LegalEase Preferred, we help you identify and implement a matter management platform. This platform provides meticulous organization, increases collaboration, and provides better reporting of your legal department’s work and all associated costs.

Through the implementation of a legal matter management platform, you have visibility to track, assign, and create matters by type, geography, and service providers. This extends to outside counsel and in-house counsel that are working together on the case or project.

6. Legal Chatbots

Legal Chatbots

Does your legal department spend considerable amounts of time managing daily routine tasks such as scheduling meetings, coordinating with other stakeholders, and reviewing legal documents? Then we highly recommend a chatbot that automates these processes and gives you your time back to focus on complex legal issues.

Our team of legal operations specialists first map out your processes and understand the time spent on each task, before making a decision on whether automation is needed.

7. Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management

Our legal operations specialists review your legal team’s roles and responsibilities, processes, current technology, and all content that is created to build a central source of truth – a Knowledge Management System.

With our Knowledge Management System, we:
  • Create and document playbooks, policies, and any process knowledge that isn't documented, and sits in the legal minds of a few
  • Create a database that houses all playbooks, process documents and training tools
  • Review and design processes and systems that are user-friendly
  • Review existing technology needs and benefits

Effortless On-boarding

Setting up a pilot is easy!

Our client experience and success program is built to integrate seamlessly with your organization and to not eat into your day with training sessions.

Don't just take our word for it.

This partnership with LegalEase is a delight for us. I have tried outsourcing in the past and it has not worked for us but the relationship with LegalEase should be a role model and standard on how good outsourcing works.

Head of Compliance Monitoring,

Fortune 500 Investment Bank,


KYC Compliance Screening is a crucial step in client onboarding. I decided to first start with a pilot of LegalEase’s KYC process.


The service and hybrid solution was top notch and exceeded my expectations, that I moved from the pilot period to an ongoing service need in 7 days.

General Counsel

E-Commerce Company,


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