KYC Sanction Screen Solution to Detect Financial Crimes and Comply with AML / KYC Regulations

Comply with AML and CTF Regulations

Automate Beneficial Ownership Due Diligence and Ongoing Monitoring
Customized Due Diligence Automation
Proactive Risk Management
Centralized Compliance Hub

4 Step Process to Reducing Risk & Controlling Cost


The name and address information of both customer and vendor records and the sanctions and PEP lists against which they are being matched are cleansed and standardized for consistent format comparisons


Aliases, nicknames, and multiple names within a record are detected and included in the screening process


Records are then accurately matched, despite anomalies including misspellings, transpositions, missing information, nicknames, acronyms, and initials


Personnel time spent reviewing potential matches is minimized through the use of our tech partner’s case management tool, which includes efficient workflows, audit trails, reporting, and management dashboards

Find out what LegalEase can do for your Compliance Department