Legal Has Its Head In The Clouds

First Reviewed : January 12, 2023
Last Reviewed: January 12, 2023

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Their (cloud-native legal solutions) widespread adoption will allow organizations to hook up their practice management systems with their unified communications platforms and meet the demands of clients for scalability.
– American Bar Association

In their article on the top 5 legal trends in 2023 and beyond, the ABA lists cloud-native solutions as a trend that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Cloud-native legal solutions allow legal departments and their organizations and clients to share data and collaborate across several platforms. Legal departments that have started leveraging cloud-based solutions understand how beneficial these legal solutions are for their business and in protecting legal matters and data. 

Cloud-native legal solutions don’t just stop at collaborative tools and automation software! Legal tech includes virtual whiteboards, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to leverage case histories and outcomes to make intelligent predictions and more. In addition, cloud-native legal solutions support integrations among different legal tech tools. Savvy legal departments who utilize cloud-native legal solutions can integrate their practice management systems with their organization’s unified communications platforms to meet client demands.

Why Legal Departments Should Consider Cloud-native Legal Solutions

The pandemic demonstrated just how valuable cloud-based legal solutions are to legal departments and general counsel. On-site solutions are eclipsed by the capabilities and benefits that cloud-native solutions offer, which include increased efficiency, cost-savings, better cybersecurity, and reliability.


A National Law Review article that examines cloud-native solutions reports that the benefits of being able to “integrate and automate systems” is one of the greatest advantages that legal departments experience. With legal task automation, legal departments can streamline workflows, remove rote tasks off their plate, and focus on pressing matters that require their legal expertise and time.


Cloud-based legal solutions have leveled up when it comes to cybersecurity. With layers of security and protection, client and lawyer confidentiality is front and center when legal departments take their data to the cloud. What’s more, cloud-native solutions boast 24/7 end-to-end encryption, backup servers, IT experts, and physical safety measures to keep data under lock and key and only accessible to people who are authorized to do so. 


With cloud-native legal technology, legal departments can save their organizations hundreds of thousands of dollars. Increased efficiency offers faster outputs, and time back, while also saving money. Organizations do not need to shell out on local data storage and maintenance. In addition, legal departments do not need to deal with the added burden of periodic maintenance, checkups, and slowed down processes. 


When leveraging cloud technology, legal departments can grow their practice areas without the need to outsource. Eliminating the need to add on equipment, software, IT staff, and other resources or other expenses keeps costs low without compromising on efficiency.


Organizations that use multiple technologies generate 40% more output than those who don’t, an article by CLIO states. Legal departments that run on cloud-based legal solutions have a business advantage that their counterparts do not.

Cloud-native Legal Solutions in 2023 And Beyond

You will be hard-pressed to find further literature on cloud-native legal solutions at the beginning of 2023, as the trend is just picking up. Although cloud-based legal solutions have been around for a couple of years, remote working was an impetus for organizations to move to the cloud. The advantages are numerous, and the disadvantages few and far between. Want to know more about legal solutions for your legal department? Check out our solutions today!

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