LegalEase Solutions is a legal solutions provider offering corporations, legal departments and law firms innovative support through compliance and regulatory support, legal operations, contract review & lifecycle management, legal intelligence, and legal research.

What Sets us Apart

Flexible Pricing

Dedicated Client Success Leads

Custom Legal Solutions

80+ years of combined CLM implementation expertise

Effortless Onboarding

60% Spend Reduction

We help modernize and streamline the legal function in organizations around the world. LegalEase identifies and utilizes cutting-edge technology, process engineering and right-sourcing to improve efficiency, speed up processes, and remove redundancy.

Our Goal

At LegalEase Solutions, we want to create unmatched value for legal and compliance teams by tapping into the intellectual capital of the world.

Our Values

We take great pride in being a minority company that is inclusive and as diverse as the services we offer.

70% of employees at LegalEase Solutions are women! We have a workforce that is 90% diverse. We are 100% customer-centric!

Board of Advisors

Kristin L. Burnett
Chief Compliance Officer at Human Interest Advisers LLC

Patrick J Hatfield 
Partner at Locke Lord LLP

Maimoona Badsha 

George Miller
Former Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary at two multinational S&P 500 companies.

Management Team

Savitha S Shenoy
Senior Manager – Operations

Naseeha Machingal
Director – Client Success & Partnerships

Mohamed Akmal
Chief Financial Officer

Patrice Asimakis
Director – Legal Services

Tariq Hafeez

Christopher Schmidt
Project Lead

Tariq Akbar
Chief Executive Officer

Gayathri Rajeev
Director – Global Delivery

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Find out what LegalEase can do for your legal team!