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Years of delivering successful legal solutions


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of clients are publicly listed companies


80+ years of combined CLM implementation expertise


of projects delivered exceeded client expectations


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Efficient And Effective Contract Management With Playbooks

Empowering Legal Teams with Customized Playbooks for Contract Success

A customized playbook tailored to your organization’s specific needs and risk profile can provide significant benefits, including:

Reduced negotiation time and costs:

A well-crafted playbook can help your team quickly identify and address key issues in contracts, reducing the need for lengthy negotiations.

Improved contract compliance:

By providing clear guidelines for contract interpretation and application, playbooks can help reduce the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.

Enhanced risk management:

Playbooks can help identify and mitigate potential risks in contracts, protecting your organization from financial and legal liabilities.

Customized Playbooks Built by Subject Matter Experts

  • LegalEase collaborates with client to understand their contractual terms and fallback positions
  • LegalEase prepares a playbook with clear guidelines for reviewing terms and conditions and SOW, along with outlining preferred legal positions
  • LegalEase and client collaboratively finalize the playbook
  • LegalEase trains team on final playbook
  • LegalEase and client review and revise the playbook, when required

Transform Your Contract Management With Powerful Playbooks